
GRPC bindings for protobuf-net and grpc-dotnet

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Configuration Options

protobuf-net.Grpc has a few roles:

  1. to identify service contracts
  2. to identify operation contracts within service contracts
  3. to provide marshallers for serializing/deserializing different types
  4. to provide efficient mechanisms to instantiate clients and servers
  5. to hook everything together into the underlying gRPC API

Taking those in turn, then:

1 Service Contracts

By default, the library expects service contracts to be decorated with [ServiceContract] (using this for the name when possible); however, if this doesn’t work for you, you can implement a custom ServiceBinder, and override the IsServiceContract method; this lets you a: decide whether to include it, and b: specify the name.

2 Operation Contracts

By default, the library considers all methods it can feasibly handle (optionally using [OperationContract] for the name). If you want to change this, again implement a custom ServiceBinder, and override the IsOperationContract method; this lets you a: decide whether to include it, and b: specify the name.

3 Marshallers

By default, the library uses protobuf-net’s default model (RuntimeTypeModel.Default). If you want to use a configured protobuf-net model, you can create a ProtoBufMarshallerFactory, specifying the model you wish to use. However, you don’t need to use protobuf-net at all; you can also implement a custom MarshallerFactory from scratch. The easiest way to do this is to override the Serialize<T> and Deserialize<T> methods, but if you need to do something more sophisticated, you can override CreateMarshaller<T>. You will also need to override CanSerialize, which is used to determine whether a type can be serialized. Note: you should ensure that your payload is protobuf - otherwise your service won’t be usable by other clients.

4 Creating clients and servers

All of the configuration options above are bundled into a BinderConfiguration instance. Anything that you don’t supply will use the default behavior. Once you have a configuration, you need to be able to use it!

  • for servers using protobuf-net.Grpc.Native, you can pass the binder-configuration to AddCodeFirst when registering your service
  • for servers using protobuf-net.Grpc.AspNetCore, you can supply the binder-configuration in ConfigureServices, via services.AddSingleton
  • for clients, you will need to create a ClientFactory instance using the binder-configuration - noting that a ClientFactory instance should be considered expensive and should be stored and re-used between requests; this can then be supplied to the CreateGrpcService method when creating client instances

5 How bindings happen

There are currently no controllable options for bindings.

If you’re wondering why I dind’t say how to configure TLS, authentication, etc: that’s because it isn’t a concern of protobuf-net.Grpc. All the expected options are available - they’re just not something that this library sees or controls; rather, you’d do that at the server in whatever way is normal for that server. For clients, authentication can be specified via CallOptions (the standard Grpc.Core.Api type). protobuf-net.Grpc unifies the CallOptions and ServerCallContext types into a single value-type: CallContext. It is common to include an optional CallContext parameter on your methods for this purpose, i.e.

public interface IMyAmazingService {
    ValueTask<SearchResponse> SearchAsync(
	    SearchRequest request, CallContext context = default);
    // ...

The client can now provide this additional detail by passing in a CallContext with the CallOptions that describe the needs. CallContext is implicitly convertible from CallOptions, so you don’t need to do the intermediate step:

// create a client
var client = channel.CreateGrpcService<IMyAmazingService>();
// specify your gRPC options here including auth if needed
var options = new CallOptions(...);
// invoke the RPC call
var result = await client.SearchAsync(request, options);

(note that a CancellationToken can be used in place of CallContext above to express optional cancellation; this is a more general purpose API, but does not permit access to headers/trailers/etc).